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  • Writer's pictureLisa Lasseter

Junk food Vegan

Good Morning!! So, when I changed over to a vegan lifestyle, I still had the junk food mindset. I wanted vegan chicken sandwiches, vegan cheeseburgers and so forth. Then a thought struck me, I am still not eating healthy. You can be vegan and not be healthy! I know right, what a concept. So, I started looking at labels and realized that if I can't pronounce or do not know what something is, WHY would I put that in my body. That is when the real change began, and I became even more conscientious of what I was eating. That is also when I started to really feel the benefits of my lifestyle change. I will be real honest in this blog when I talk about myself. I am 48 years old, and in October of 2018 I had a massive heart attack, which led to having stents placed and bypass surgery. I currently weigh 230 pounds, when I started my vegan lifestyle on Dec. 26th, 2019, I weighed 240. I am letting you know this because once I really started watching what I ate is when I started feeling like I have more energy, my face is clearing up(I have rosacea) and weight loss. I just feel better all around!!! That is it for now, I hope you will stick around because I will start posting food pics and recipes that I have found to make this transition so much easier!

Your non-starving vegan!!

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